HeadshotsHEADSHOTS for woman: (Includes: Makeup, hair and light retouching)

3 Looks – $350- Without Makeup and Hair-$275
4 Looks – $450- Without Makeup and Hair-$375
6 Looks – $650- Without Makeup and Hair-$575

Additional Looks: $100 each

HEADSHOTS for Men: (Includes: Men’s grooming and light retouching)

2 Looks – $325
4 Looks – $450
6 Looks – $750

Additional Looks: $50.00 each


1 wardrobe change per look
Wardrobe is not provided
The model is responsible for their own wardrobe


Additional retouching is $35.00 per image


You will choose your images through our Drop Box account.
All selections are pre-retouched.
You are only showed the best images from the shoot. Not all. There is a $50 fee If you would like to see everything
You will have 30 days to pick from the selects we present you.

Final Prints:

Hi-resolution digital files
8 x 10 portfolio prints

Note: light retouching includes the removing of stray hairs, blemishes, dark circles and cleaning up the overall skin. Very light, but beautiful.